Semen Banking

Sperm banking collects, freezes and stores your sperm cells. Many people bank their sperm to increase their chances of having biological children in the future. Sperm banking is safe and helps you maintain your fertility for years.

Your desire to father children after your cancer treatment ends does not need to be hampered. Planning for the future is a wise move to ensure the possibility of children in the future.

What Is Sperm Banking?

Sperm banking is a process that collects, freezes and stores your sperm cells in a special healthcare facility (sperm bank).

Sperm cells are reproductive cells in men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB). Your testes (testicles) produce sperm. When you ejaculate during orgasm, you release approximately 300 million sperm cells in your semen. Semen is the whitish-gray fluid that releases from your penis when you orgasm.

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