Anal Fissures Treatment

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An anal fissure is a crack or splits in the tissues that line your anal canal. Trauma causes the lining to tear, causing acute pain and bleeding. Most fissures heal with self-care.

What is an anal fissure?

An anal fissure is a crack or tear in the lining of your anal canal. It’s a common cause of anal pain and rectal bleeding, especially during bowel movements (pooping).

Anal trauma usually causes a fissure, especially from straining to pass hard stools. Anal fissures can occur suddenly or gradually. They can also heal quickly or slowly.

Are anal fissures common?

Anal fissures are very common, especially in infants and pregnant people. About half of people with anal fissures get them before they turn 40.


What Are The Symptoms Of An Anal Fissure?

The most common symptoms are:

  • Sharp pain when pooping.
  • Burning or itching with pooping.
  • Fresh, red blood in your poop.


Some people may also have:

  • Anal muscle spasms.
  • A lump on the skin near the tear.


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