Raised CA-125 Levels: Is it Always Cancer?

Raised CA-125 Levels: Is it Always Cancer? 

When faced with elevated CA-125 levels, the first concern for many is the possibility of cancer. CA-125, a protein marker, is predominantly associated with ovarian cancer, but it's essential to understand that a raised CA-125 level does not always indicate malignancy.

Numerous factors can lead to elevated CA-125 levels. While ovarian cancer is one potential cause, several non-cancerous conditions can trigger this rise. For instance, non-gynaecological conditions like liver disease, pancreatitis, pleural effusions, or even inflammation in the pelvic area due to infections can elevate CA-125 levels. Gynaecological conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease can also result in raised CA-125 levels.

The menstrual cycle and certain medications can impact CA-125 levels as well.

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