Ovarian Cyst Surgeon in Jalandhar


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Ovarian cysts are common among women of all ages and can sometimes cause discomfort or health concerns. Understanding your treatment options is crucial for managing ovarian cysts effectively and ensuring your overall well-being. Dr. Deepak Chawla is one the Best Ovarian Cyst Surgeon in Jalandhar.


  1. Watchful Waiting: In many cases, small, asymptomatic ovarian cysts require no immediate treatment. Your gynaecologist may recommend regular monitoring through ultrasound examination to ensure they don't grow or cause symptoms. This approach allows for a non-invasive and patient-centered approach to managing ovarian cysts.
  2. Medications: For women experiencing pain or hormonal imbalances due to cysts, medication may be prescribed. Hormonal birth control pills can help regulate the menstrual cycle and prevent new cysts from forming. Pain relievers are also available to manage discomfort associated with cysts.


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